Label application on egg lifting trays —  Irbitskaya poultry farm

Label application on egg lifting trays — Irbitskaya poultry farm

Customer information

"Irbitskaya Poultry Farm" LLC is one of big hen egg producer in the Urals region.

Project goals

Sales department managers received the request for equipage of the sorting and placing line for hen egg production with labelling systems. It was required to label the egg trays.


The sorting and placing line for hen eggs is divided into 2 flows. Egg lifting trays are moved on a belt conveyor. A label on an egg tray is applied from the top and straightened out with adherence to package butt ends.

Two automatic labellers PAKKA-3000EU with design for top label application were installed. In addition they were equipped with modules for self-adhesive label application on trays and label straightening out on tray butt ends.

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г. Izhevsk
+7 (495) 128 77 20
+7 (495) 128 77 20